Saturday, March 7, 2009

What is Happening Now...

I saw this on someones blog and I thought it was cute....

Outside my window
. . . it is dark, but the windows are open and I am enjoying the night fresh air...

I am thinking
. . . that tomorrow morning is going to be hectic...Sunday mornings always are around my house...

I am thankful for. .
. so many things...salvation, family, healthy children, great friends

From the kitchen. .
. clothes washing in the washing machine

I am wearing. .
. my pjs....

I am reading. .
. actually I just finished the book "Multiple Blessings" by Kate Gosselin and thoroughly enjoyed it!

I am hoping. .
. to make a difference in the lives of people God places in my path...

I am hearing. .
. the ceiling fan rattling a little...

Around the house. .
. toys are on the floor, few dishes in the is never ending!

One of my favorite things
. . . talking and laughing with my husband after the kids are in bed...I don't get much adult conversation being a stay at home mom of 4 kids 5 and under!!!

A few plans for the rest of the week. . .
tomorrow is church-my moms birthday is on Tuesday and I am cooking her dinner and making her a birthday cake!

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